Here is some information which should be helpful in preparing for your headshot session.
Firstly, a quick word on travel. The studio is in Letchworth Garden City which is on the Thamelink railway network. Trains take around 30 minutes from a number of London stations including St. Pancras, Finsbury Park, Farringdon, Blackfriars and London Bridge. Letchworth is beyond the Oyster boundary, so you’ll have to buy a regular train ticket for your journey. The studio is a ten minute walk from Letchworth station - turn left and head down the hill, across the roundabout and it’s on your right hand side as you walk up Birds Hill. The main entrance is at the far side of the main car park. There is also plenty of free parking available if you decide to drive.
I’ll meet you in the reception are of the Pixmore Business Centre at your session start time - please don’t come up to the studio early as I may be working with another client.
I always start off with a chat about what you’re hoping to get from your new photos. Prior to your shoot, have a think about this. What sort of look do you want to present in your headshots? Remember that this is the first thing a casting director looks at when considering you. If you have an agent, it’s worth having a conversation with them. They are trying to sell you to casting directors, so it’s good to know what they’re expecting from your headshots.
Spend some time with a mirror before the shoot. It sounds silly, but having a few looks ready to go when you arrive can make all the difference. I’ll give you plenty of direction on the day, but if you arrive with a good idea of how you actually look it’ll make the process a lot easier.
Try to embrace the features that make you unique. Rather than trying to disguise a slightly crooked nose or a gap in your teeth, make the most of it. These are the features that make you who you are and are often part of the reason a casting director may be interested in you.
Please allow plenty of time for travel and try to arrive early. There’s nothing worse than starting a session feeling flustered or anxious after rushing to get there. If you fail to arrive within 15 minutes of the agreed time, the session will be cancelled and you will lose your deposit. If you arrive early, there are some great cafes between the train station and the studio - check out Vutie Beets and No. 12.
Get plenty of sleep the night before and drink plenty of water in the week before your shoot so that you arrive feeling and looking fresh. Iron and pack your clothing options carefully - Photoshop can’t do much for a creased top! Please avoid alcohol in the days before your shoot. This can leave you with redness around your eyes and will affect your skin.
What to bring with you
I’d recommend bringing a variety of clothing options with you. Most importantly, make sure you choose clothing that represent who you truly are and that you are comfortable in. Try to choose tops with a variety of necklines and textures. Try to choose clothing that is good quality and not faded or tired. Low quality materials don’t look good when they’re photographed professionally. Many clients choose to buy some brand new, good quality items that they can keep the tags on and return afterwards! I love muted colours as well as a classic white top - these can be a great place to start.
My photos are all about your eyes! Try to choose tops that will help compliment the colour of your eyes to really make them pop in the photos.
Please don’t restrict yourself to just black and white tops.
For blue eyes, blue and orange colours work really well.
For brown eyes, dark reds and greys are good.
For green eyes, darker greens and blacks look good.
That said, don’t restrict yourself to just these colours - try whatever you think will work for you.
Bring along a bottle of water to keep hydrated as well as hairspray and some make up etc to top up with if you need it. The most important thing to bring with you is positive energy! It really makes the difference between an average and a great headshot.
Hair & Make Up
Try to arrive at your session looking your best but with as little make up as possible. I’d advise against having your hair cut or coloured immediately before a session as this isn’t a representation of how you really look on a day to day basis. With make up, it’s best to start with a plain, natural look and we can always add more if needed. If you have any blemishes or spots on your skin, it’s actually better to avoid trying to cover them too much. They’re easily removed in the editing process if they’re not already partly covered.
A non-refundable deposit is normally taken to secure your booking. The final balance should be settled at least 48 hours prior to your session.
Cancellations and Rescheduling
If for any reason you’re unable to make your session, please give me as much notice as possible. If you cancel less than 48 hours before your shoot, you will lose your deposit and have to pay another one in order to reschedule. Make sure you have a note of my mobile number (07821 578 734) on the day so that you can contact me if you have any problems getting there on time. You can reschedule easily using the link in your confirmation email.
After Your Shoot
You’ll receive a gallery of your images within 48 hours of the shoot. From here, you can start to make your final choices. You can share this with agents, friends, family etc. so that they can share their favourites with you too. Once you’re happy with your final choices, just let me know and I’ll have the final retouched images to you within 10 working days.
Returning Client Discount
As a returning client, you’re eligible for a 25% discount on all future headshot sessions. Just get in touch when you’re ready for some new shots!